Business owners are often overwhelmed by the thought of a server migration, but the process really doesn’t deserve such a bad reputation. A smooth server migration simply requires proper planning to ensure minimal downtime and a seamless transition. INTELITECHS aims to make this process easier for our clients and their employees by finding the optimal IT solutions for each business.

If you’ve been hesitant to transition to a new server, this may be your sign to finally get started! Here are three reasons you may want to consider a server migration this year.

If There is Better Technology Available

You may want to consider a server upgrade to ensure that your operating system and hardware stay up-to-date with current technology. Your trusted servers may have gotten you through the founding and expansion of your business, but they’re not necessarily the best option for your growing company any longer. Technology is rapidly evolving, as are your company’s IT needs. Don’t remain loyal to a system that doesn’t meet your expectations when there may be a better choice.

To Transition to the Cloud

Many companies choose to transition to cloud-based servers for increased flexibility or scalability. When compared to on-premises servers and software licenses, the cloud is the clear winner for most businesses. Cloud computing offers convenience, security, and speed that benefits both consumers and employees.

A server migration will be necessary if you choose to implement a hybrid or cloud-based approach after previously using on-premises servers. This can be a big change, but don’t sweat it! INTELITECHS will handle the entire process on your behalf.

When You Can Handle Scheduled Downtime

A server migration requires scheduled downtime so your IT team can make all the necessary adjustments. When you work with a managed IT services company to perform a server migration, you’ll be able to schedule your downtime during off-peak hours. If you are unable to perform your server migration after-hours or on the weekend, you’ll have to plan for some unavoidable downtime to minimize profit loss and general inconvenience for your employees.

Migrations should be handled carefully by a seasoned IT team. You wouldn’t want to sink hours of time, effort, and money into a migration only to find yourself with downtime and profit loss. It takes considerable planning and forethought to migrate your company’s entire data. INTELITECHS will communicate with your team throughout the process to ensure you end up with an optimized server that is right for you.

Are you ready to make the switch to a new server? Schedule your consultation with our team today.