Working with a managed IT service provider in Utah can be a great way to save money, increase data security, and free up time in your team members’ schedules that they can use to take care of essential functions. But this is all assuming that you were working with an IT provider who delivers on what they’ve promised. Have you started to wonder whether you’ve chosen the right IT provider for your company? Here’s how you can tell if your provider is failing you.

You’re Not Seeing A Positive Return On Investment

Some Utah IT services and IT consulting companies in Utah will tell you what they know you want to hear upfront, but they have trouble following through on their promises. Have you been wondering how your IT provider is making use of your monthly budget? If you feel that things aren’t changing from month to month and you aren’t sure whether your provider is actually following through on their initial action plan, it may indicate that they are unreliable or inexperienced. It’s very unlikely that your provider has malicious intent when not delivering the services they promise. Be that as it may, they are bound by your contract, so if you’re not seeing the results you were promised, it may be time to take another look at your options.

Your Data Is Not Secure

Data security is one of the top concerns for any company’s IT department. When you work with a Utah Managed IT services provider who offers data security services (most do), it’s fair to expect that they will create a custom security strategy to keep your company’s unique assets safe from cyber attacks. If you’ve been working with an IT provider for several months and you continue to experience data breaches and other security concerns that should be addressed by a thorough security strategy, it may mean that your provider is failing in this regard. Think of everything you stand to lose if your data or devices get into the wrong hands. It’s not smart to continue giving your provider the benefit of the doubt if they are not adequately protecting these assets.

Ineffective Communication

If you have a contract with a provider that promises around-the-clock assistance when IT issues arise, you expect your Utah managed service provider to respond promptly when you notify them of a problem. It’s also their responsibility to thoroughly and clearly explain the issue to you – without excessive techspeak or condescension. Ever feel like your provider can’t be bothered to return your call? Or do you feel talked down to when asking perfectly reasonable questions about your IT? It’s time to find another provider.

Do you feel as if your current managed IT services provider is failing you? INTELITECHS can help get your company’s IT back on the right track. Contact our team by calling 801-917-5533.