With so much of our business being handled electronically, IT is an important consideration for every company. As is the case with most business operations, your IT can be managed efficiently, or it can be lacking. When it is too expensive for a small business to maintain an in-house IT department to keep things running smoothly, a managed services company can help. Here are a few of the IT strategies your managed services provider in Utah may implement to boost your business.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is so beneficial because it makes many aspects of your business compatible. Cloud-based apps like Microsoft 365 integrate with each other smoothly and provide a better operating experience than many desktop applications. Cloud servers are also great for small and midsize businesses because the service provider handles data security instead of the burden being placed on the individual company. This can decrease your security costs, and you’ll know you’re receiving top-of-the-line security to keep your data secure while it is in the cloud.

Mobile Device Management

Mobile devices are another area where some businesses end up losing money and efficiency. So many companies are allowing remote work these days, but not every company has optimized the devices their employees are using when they’re working from home. These devices must be regularly updated; passwords must be rotated and kept secure; and the hardware itself must be well-maintained to ensure it continues running efficiently. These are all tasks that a managed services provider can handle so your company doesn’t have to worry about potential security concerns and inefficient work.

Managed Detection and Response

MDR services are meant to protect your company against cyber threats by proactively identifying and removing any attempts to compromise your company’s software and data. Instead of reacting to a threat that has already occurred, MDR teams use advanced software to constantly monitor your systems and update security measures as necessary. This approach saves companies time and money that would otherwise be eaten up by unplanned downtime. It also maintains your company‘s positive reputation because customers know they can trust you to keep their information safe.

If you would like to boost your company’s IT but want a little help from a managed services provider, contact INTELITECHS. Our outsourced IT team for Utah businesses will take care of everything, from IT security to device management. You can reach us by calling 801-917-5533.