In 2022, you’d be hard-pressed to find a single company that does not use computers in their day-to-day operations. Businesses use cloud computing to store important data. Employees communicate and collaborate through email. Computer systems track customers’ orders and take digital payments. So what happens when these necessary systems are temporarily inaccessible because of an IT disaster? And how can you quickly get things back up and running to minimize the impact of the disruption? It pays to plan ahead.

IT Disaster Recovery Plan Strategies for Utah Businesses

Creating a disaster recovery plan with your managed IT services provider is the best way to ensure your business will not be crippled by a natural or IT disaster. Utah disaster recovery planning strategies must account for snowstorms and heavy rain that could knock out phone and internet service. They must also include IT emergencies such as server crashes, data loss, and hardware failure. INTELITECHS plans for IT disasters through the use of automatic backups, comprehensive data security systems, and 24/7 monitoring. Our approach is proactive, not reactive, so we work to create an IT strategy that can predict common IT issues and identify threats before they cripple your company’s IT.

INTELITECHS’ Utah Business Disaster Recovery Plans

We consider many factors when creating a disaster recovery plan specific to your business:

  • The hardware and software in use
  • The types of servers you use to store data (on premises or in the cloud)
  • Which software and data is considered critical to the organizations’ day-to-day operations
  • Remote employees and devices that may be compromised by external factors

Each company has different answers to these questions, so we tailor our approach to your exact needs. With the right business disaster recovery plan, you won’t have to worry about long-term damage to your IT systems and sensitive data.

Disaster Recovery Planning Process

Without a dedicated in-house IT team, it is very difficult for small and midsize businesses to create a comprehensive disaster recovery plan on their own. If you’d like to create an IT Disaster Recovery for your Utah business, get in touch with a managed IT services company that specializes in this kind of process. When we begin the process of working with a new outsourced IT client, identifying and protecting against possible disasters is one of our top priorities. We will review your current IT security and find any weak spots. We’ll also discuss your current IT disaster recovery plan and determine how it can be improved or overhauled to provide greater peace of mind. Contact our team to learn more.