As is the case with many challenges business owners face, creating an IT team requires a delicate balance: you want to thoroughly protect your company from cyber crime and other threats, but there’s only so much room in your budget. That’s why so many business owners are happy to learn that working with a managed services provider is both effective and affordable. Here are a few of the budget-friendly benefits of working with an MSP.

A Predictable Monthly Cost

When you work with a Utah managed service provider, you will agree on a contract that suits your company’s needs without having to pay for services you’ll never use. The contract is the same flat fee each month, which means you will have a clear understanding of your IT budget. Of course, you can always scale services based on your company’s needs, so you’ll have the option to adjust the monthly cost as needed.

All-In-One Expertise

This is one of the greatest benefits of outsourced IT: your team is knowledgeable enough to handle emergencies without having to bring in another team to deal with the disaster. Even an in-house IT department that is well staffed with knowledgeable team members may not be equipped to resolve issues like a power outage, data security concern, or natural disaster. Instead of having to set aside money to pay for any unexpected issues that may arise, commit to a contract that covers it all.

Reallocate Resources

Small and midsize businesses have limited resources, so every dollar counts. Your company’s IT department, whether in-house or outsourced, is not the only vital component of your business. When you work with an outsourced managed services provider in Utah, you’re freeing up some of the capital that would be used to fund an in-house IT team. This is of great benefit to your other core business functions and any future expansion efforts.

Increase Your Security

Good IT security means fewer data breaches, cyber attacks, and unplanned downtime. These issues are all costly, disruptive, and can require outside assistance if they are outside the scope of your in-house IT team’s abilities. Your new Utah managed IT services provider will get to work right away to create comprehensive security protocols that identify and address potential threats. Managed backups, threat detection and response, and mobile device management should all be used to keep your company’s data safe, which will keep money in your pocket.

Not only is it predictable and convenient to choose outsourced IT, but it’s also a great value. For a much lower price than creating your own in-house IT department, you’ll have access to experienced and knowledgeable consultants who can help with cloud computing, email management, data protection, and more. Ready to give managed services a try? Contact INTELITECHS to learn more.