Storing data in the cloud can be efficient and cost effective for most companies. On-premises servers may be difficult and expensive to maintain, so it’s nice to hand the job of server management off to someone else. But in this era of prolific cyber crime, some companies are wondering about the security of these third-party servers – and who has access to the information stored on them. Confidential computing may be the answer to these threats.

Public Vs. Confidential Cloud Servers

There’s no doubt that cloud services for Utah businesses are the right choice for many companies, but how much can we trust providers to keep data safe? In a traditional public cloud storage model, experts are tasked with keeping servers protected against external threats. But those insiders may also have access to their customers’ private data – making this a potentially lucrative job title for cyber criminals.

Confidential computing attempts to minimize insider access to companies’ data by creating a secure digital perimeter between hardware and server. Even if the cloud server is physically compromised, the attacker cannot gain access to protected data. Whereas normal, data-open clouds use a layered security approach to place barriers between data and bad actors, confidential cloud data’s protections cannot be separated from the data itself. This creates an incredibly advanced system that allows the confidential cloud to extend data encryption to all elements of IT, compute, storage, and communications.

The Ultimate Utah Cloud Computing Strategy?

Cloud computing is often chosen over on-premises servers because of its ease of use and lack of maintenance costs. Any business owner or CIO who has been hesitant to switch their company from on-prem to cloud-based servers for fear of a data breach will be happy to hear about the increasing popularity of confidential cloud computing. Cloud computing services in Utah may soon become more secure while retaining its high level of convenience.

At our Utah managed IT services company, we pride ourselves on keeping a finger on the pulse of the latest IT data security advancements. Our Utah managed cloud services strive to find the balance between convenience and security that works best for each client. In the near future, confidential computing may be the solution most clients choose to implement.

Do you have concerns about the security of your servers, whether on-premises or cloud-based? Consult INTELITECHS to learn more about confidential computing and other data security solutions.