Planned rotation and replacement are an important part of any company’s IT approach. Computer hardware won’t last forever; it’s best to prepare for hard drive and server wear-out by scheduling hardware replacements and upgrades during company downtime.

If you’re hesitant to rotate your hardware while it’s still operational, here are a few things to consider.

Why Replace or Upgrade Your Hardware?

Even if you plan to use the same type of hardware after swapping out the old components, it pays to rotate devices before they fail. Unplanned downtime is a huge issue for small and midsize businesses. Time is money, and your employees will be losing time while you address your IT emergency

More often than not, computers are replaced due to slow performance or lack of computing power for new software. Hardware requirements are constantly being updated by software companies so they can ensure their programs are running optimally. Without upgrading your hardware, these vital programs will no longer work on your hardware, facing you to choose another program or swap out your hardware at a moment’s notice.  Not to mention the loss of productivity for your staff.

Data security is another major issue with outdated hardware. Software updates are constantly addressing and preventing cyber threats with security fixes, but your software will no longer be updated with these fixes if newer versions of the software are incompatible with the equipment you’re running it on. 

Don’t Overlook Server Upgrades

Servers are often overlooked, especially servers that have historically performed properly. However, these vital components can spell disaster for a company when they crash – and we all know a server crash is essentially inevitable if the hardware is not properly maintained and with age.  

Proactive, planned server migrations and rotations are easily done when properly thought out and scheduled during off-peak hours. Server replacements are not inexpensive, but ignoring them can be much more costly. Aside from the downtime of the network and possible data loss, a server recovery is always more expensive than a planned replacement or upgrade. Data recovery is also a lot more time and labor intensive compared to migration, often doubling the cost of labor. 

Consider Repurposing Older Hardware

Naturally, companies prefer speedy and effective hardware that helps their team members complete daily tasks efficiently, but that doesn’t mean every employee needs brand new equipment. Older PCs and mobile devices can still be used by employees and departments that may not require quite as much processing power. 

If you’re hesitant to let go of functioning equipment that has been rotated out, consider taking stock of other departments’ current hardware and redistributing the components. You can reuse expensive devices that aren’t quite ready for the landfill while still giving the best performing equipment to the employees with the most crucial job functions. 

Is your company due for a hardware rotation? Schedule a chat with our team to find out how we can help. Contact INTELITECHS.